Leave it to Us,
Because We Understand

We ensure each of our services is of high quality, making it easier for you to focus on your business.

Integrated Solutions for Your Business Needs

We understand that the success of a business relies not on a single aspect but on the synergy of various elements working in harmony. We have crafted integrated solutions to assist you. With a comprehensive approach, we are here to provide responsive and high-quality solutions, supporting the smooth operation and tranquility in every aspect of your business.

Pest Control

No Compromise for
Pest Control

Ancaman hama sering kali menjadi titik rawan yang dapat mengganggu jalannya bisnis, terutama yang berhubungan langsung dengan kesehatan. Layanan pengendalian hama dari VIRTUS akan membentengi bisnis Anda dari serangan hama, yang terkadang bukan hanya menyerang fisik bisnis Anda, tetapi juga reputasi. Dengan bangunan terlindungi dari hama, aktivitas berjalan lancar setiap hari. 

Pest Control

No Compromise for
Pest Control

The threat of pests is often an overlooked factor that can disrupt a business, especially those directly tied to health. Pest management services from VIRTUS will protect your business from pest attacks, which can be damaging not only to the physical aspects of your business, but also the reputation of your business. 

Ground Maintenance

A Beautiful Environment,
the Key to Winning Hearts

A well-groomed, green, beautiful outdoor environment will leave a lasting image and nuance of warm and joyful. Win the trust and the hearts of your audience and your clients, who will feel at home every time they step into your area. We take pride in checking every detail of maintenance, relieving you from the tasks of doing it yourself.

Ground Maintenance

A Beautiful Environment,
the Key to Winning Hearts

A well-groomed, green, beautiful outdoor environment will leave a lasting image and nuance of warm and joyful. Win the trust and the hearts of your audience and your clients, who will feel at home every time they step into your area. We take pride in checking every detail of maintenance, relieving you from the tasks of doing it yourself.

Office Support

A Complete Support System for Ease of Business Activities

Some roles in a business process may not be a part of your core competencies, especially those who are not considered essentials in your business. Drivers, admins, helpers, to receptionists, although often overlooked, also played roles in your daily business. Do not worry about your daily operations, as you can leave it to us. Focus your effort and energy to keep on growing, by building on the competitive advantatge of your business.

Office Support

A Complete Support System for Ease of Business Activities

Some roles in a business process may not be a part of your core competencies, especially those who are not considered essentials in your business. Drivers, admins, helpers, to receptionists, although often overlooked, also played roles in your daily business. Do not worry about your daily operations, as you can leave it to us. Focus your effort and energy to keep on growing, by building on the competitive advantatge of your business.