Best Environment for Highest Productivity
Quality environment plays a pivotal role in creating prime productivity. And we are ready to make it happen with you
Jalankan Bisnis dengan Tenang
dan Bebas Cemas
Hadir sebagai one-stop solution, Virtus akan mengelola aspek kebersihan, keindahan, dan keamanan dari usaha Anda. Dengan demikian, Anda bisa berfokus pada inti bisnis Anda
Your Success, Our Success
Increase your business winning edge with the freedom to put your focus fully on the core of your business

About Virtus

Professional Facility Services Provider that Focuses on Your Success
Virtus Indonesia is a professional facility services provider in Indonesia. Combining an in-depth knowledge and years of experience in handling various industries, VIRTUS enables you to focus on your business’ core competencies, by providing international standard services in cleanliness, security, safety, and environment.

icon Virtusway Indonesia – Facilitate you to focus, to grow


The Art Of Balancing Price and Quality

A Robust Business Platform

Precise and Measured Solution

Service Value

International Standard Excellence

Find the Answers to Your Needs Here
Your trust is very valuable to us. Our services is a manifestation of our commitment to provide services that more than just meet your expectations, but surpass them.


Multiple Fields, One Symbol of Success
Every industry has its own challenges, and each challenge has its own specific solution. A proven experience in facilitating a wide array of industries made it possible for VIRTUS to adjust our solution with your business needs. This success, for us, is more than just commitment, but also the highest appreciation for our team dedication.


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Review Pelanggan & Testimoni

Bintan Kartika Fauzi
Banyak sekali yang menarik dari Virtus Facility Service, salah satunya adalah bagaimana Virtus melayani Klien atau Customer dengan sepenuh hati!
Aria Wirawan
Virtus adalah perusahaan yang menerima rekrutmen SDM setiap harinya dan memiliki rekomendasi baik menurut saya bagi anda yang ingin memulai karir pekerjaan di bidang cleaning dan security
M Ade Rosadi
Udah yakin banget sih kalau ke PT Virtus, dulu pernah berkunjung ke MRT yang cleaning Virtus, operatornya ramah, rapih, serta areanya bersih
Faqri Irawan
Terima kasih atas kunjungannya, pelayanannya ramah.....sukses selalu PT Virtus fasility service
Toni Evan
Jasa fasility service terbaik di Selatan Jakarta, dengan operator-operator yang berpengalaman dalam bidangnya